When booking your stay, choose one of the #SustainabilityPledge hotels or lodging listed in the checkout process or one of the hotels below. These hotels will have either Green Globe(TM) or Travel Life(TM) Sustainability Certification or will otherwise show a strong commitment to sustainability by supporting projects that give back to the community. All hotels will be located in the area of your volunteer activity (to reduce carbon emissions in transport). We’ll also have opportunities to stay with local home and apartment firms that are giving back to the community. If you are staying in a hotel or local lodging on the list, enter the promo code #SUSTAINABILITYPLEDGE when checking out and get a $50 per person discount on your BeachCorps tour organizer fee!
Our plan is to work with these and other hotels and lodging to gradually increase their commitment to sustainability of all kinds: local jobs and the economy; social services like health and education; local and traditional culture; and environmental sustainability. We will increasingly favor working with hotels that are showing the strongest commitment to sustainability: a race to the top!
(Foto: Diamonds Thudufushi Beach & Water Villas)