BeachCorps is the work of the BeachCorps Beach Bum–with a LOT of help from friends! The best private companies, the best nonprofits. BeachCorps was started by the BeachCorps Beach Bum, aka David Searby, a retired United States Foreign Service Officer who got the idea while being interviewed as Press Officer on a tourism radio show in the Dominican Republic. David saw that there was a way to completely redefine how unskilled, short-term volunteers can help great causes “a little grain of sand” at a time by focusing their vacation time, donations, and 500 Facebook friends on helping a great cause and not their own egos. During his career, David had numerous positions advancing US public diplomacy and sustainable development, including at the US Mission to the United Nations handling UNICEF, UNDP and other UN development. David created “Super Chef Panama,” a reality TV cooking show with strong Panamanian media, private sector and government support where underserved youth compete on TV for cooking scholarships to become great chefs. Super Chef taught him the importance of teamwork!

With A Little Help From Our Friends

Carlos Medrano is the President of Runners Adventures (also known as Bavaro Runners), the largest excursion provider in the Dominican Republic. For the past 20 years Runners Adventures has stood out offering high quality excursions from 8 different destinations of the Dominican Republic. Runners Adventures has long enjoyed outstanding Trip Advisor ratings and has shown a strong commitment to helping local communities and to including cultural tours as a key part of their excursion portfolio. The BeachCorps model depends on everybody doing what they do best, so Carlos and his team are the perfect BeachCorps partners!